Wednesday, March 9, 2022

140 Quarts of Bottled-in-Bond Whiskey Seized in Pinehurst, March 9, 1922

140 Quarts Whiskey Seized

Two men, named Matthews and Mahoney, driving a Dodge roadster, stopped in front of Merrow’s Art Store in Pinehurst. Matthews got out of the car and while he weas away Deputy Dave Knight happened to pass by the car and detected an odor unbecoming to the unusual odor attached to a car. Mahoney, when asked what the car contained, knew nothing about it, but upon examination there was found concealed under the seat 140 quarts of bottled-in-bond whiskey. The car was seized, and Mahoney arrested.

Matthews could not be found. Mahoney was placed in jail until bond of $500 was furnished from Savannah, Ga. The car is said to have come from Savannah. Two or three of the bottles had broken, causing a stimulating atmosphere about the car, and thus detection was easy.

From the Moore County News, Carthage, N.C., March 9, 1922

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