Monday, March 7, 2022

Car Thief Lewis Slaton Now In County Jail, March 7, 1922

Sheriff Fowler Lodges Slaton in County Jail. . . Man Who Delivered W.R. McCorkle’s Car Over to Frazier is Arrested in Charlotte and Held Here

Sheriff Clifford Fowler went to Charlotte Saturday and brought Lewis Slaton to Monroe and lodged him in jail on a charge of automobile theft. For some time Sheriff Fowler has been at work trying to locate the thief that stole W.R. McCorkle’s Ford car on the night of the Foch celebration in Monroe. While he was in Richmond last week with extradition papers for Frazier it was learned that the latter held a bill of sale form Slaton. Upon his return Sheriff Fowler informed Charlotte officers of the fact and Slaton was arrested and (work obscured) in custody for the Union officer. In default of a $10,000 bond he is held in jail here as stated above for trial before Recorder Lemmond next Friday.

Slaton is also held in Mecklenburg county under a warrant charging a similar offense and has $5,000 in cash up in Charlotte for his appearance in court. His father, who lives in Danville, Va., placed the bond.

Two Charlotte detectives, who have been waging a warfare against automobile thieves, have rounded up about 11 thieves and have recorded around 25 stolen cars.

From the front page of The Monroe Journal, March 7, 1922

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