Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Dewey Phillips of Cameron Shot at Dave McLeod's Home, March 9, 1922

Cameron Man Fatally Shot

Dewey Phillips of Cameron was shot and fatally wounded last Sunday night by a negro named Dave McLeod. Details as to the cause of the tragedy are not clear. All that is known is that young Phillips and Will Cameron went to the negro’s house, so Cameron says, for the purpose of getting some matches, and as they knocked on the door the negro fired four or five shots from a Colt .45 through the door, three of the shots taking effect in the abdomen of Phillips. Phillips was rushed at once to the hospital at Sanford where he died Monday night. The negro was caught and lodged in the county jail. He had a wound on his leg. Dewey was the son of J.E. Phillips, a prominent merchant of Cameron, and the tragedy is a distinct shock to the town.

From the Moore County News, Carthage, N.C., March 9, 1922

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