Saturday, March 5, 2022

Gov. Pat Neff Threatened With Tar and Feathers For Not Allowing Gambling, Bootlegging, Brothels in Mexia, March 5, 1922

Governor Promised a Thick Coat of Tar

Austin, Texas, March 4—Governor Pat Neff of Texas has been threatened with a coat of tar and feathers should he ever visit Mexia, the boom oil town, again it became known tonight.

A letter containing the warning and postmarked Fort Worth was received by the Governor today. It was signed “The Gun Club.” Governor Neff said he did not regard the letter seriously. Asked if he would visit Mexia again, he said:

“I don’t know where my duties will take me in the future.”

Martial law, raised on March, was proclaimed in the Mexia oil district weeks ago when the Governor announced a determination to place the militia in control in order to drive out the law breakers.

Only by determined efforts were gambling, bootlegging and immorality stamped out. Hundreds of law violators were driven from the city and district. The martial law proclamation was raised upon pledges by prominent citizens that all laws in Mexia would henceforth be rigidly enforced.

From the front page of The Charlotte News, Sunday, March 5, 1922

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