Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Macedonia Moravian Church Received $10,000 Gift From Stephen Morgan Smith Family, March 8, 1922

$10,000 Given Macedonia Church

Winston-Salem, Feb. 28—It was learned here today that Stephen Morgan Smith, a native of Davie county, who died in Los Angeles, Cal., 15 years ago, left a large estate that his daughter, Mrs. Carey E. Etnier of York, Pa., had set aside $10,000 to be used for the Macedonia Moravian church as memorial to her father, who was once a member of that congregation. Mr. Smith prepared himself for the ministry, but on account of throat trouble give up active ministerial work and engaged in business at York, Pa., where he made his fortune, largely through some important invention of his own. His remains are buried in the York cemetery.

The congregation at Macedonia church will decide what form the memorial to Mr. Smith will take.

From The Davie Record, Mocksville, N.C., March 8, 1922; $10,000 in 1922 would be worth $167,350 in 2022, according to the StudyFinance.com inflation calculator.

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