Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Items From The Cliffside News, May 4, 1922

Portia With a Record

Miss Pauline F.M. Floyd of Washington, D.C., the youngest lawyer ever admitted to the bar, now has the distinction of being the youngest lawyer to argue a case before the U.S. Supreme Court. Twenty-four years old, she has practiced law three years, being graduated before she was 21. The young woman has never lost a case.


Floyd Creek Memorial

Memorial Services will be held at Floyd’s Creek Sunday, May 7th. All day services with dinner on the grounds. The public is invited to attend. An interesting program is being arranged.


New Druggist

Mr. Jas. E. Kerr of Lenoir arrived in Henrietta Monday and will have charge of the drug department at the Henrietta store. He is a registered pharmacist and will prove a valuable addition to the strong Henrietta force. There is also a new drug department at the Caroleen store, where Mr. Palmer Rollins is in charge.


Memorial Service at Pleasant Grove

Weather permitting, a large crowd is expected to attend the memorial services at Pleasant Grove next Sunday. There will be two services, morning and afternoon, and a big dinner will be served. Readers of the Courier know what a dinner at Pleasant Grove means—so be there. The Rev. Parker Holmes of Forest City will be one of the speakers.


Ellenboro News

Death of Mr. Monroe Bridges

May 1—Mr. Monroe Bridges, a well known citizen of Ellenboro, died last Saturday night of paralysis. He was 56 years old and leaves a wife and eight children. The funeral was held at Bethel Baptist church. Revs. Washburn and Hunt took charge of the services. There was a host of friends to pay their last respects to Mr. Bridges.

The Ellenboro school closed Friday after a successful term of eight months.

Several boys of the town presented a negro play at the school building Saturday night. The house was crowded. Part of the proceeds will go to the school.

Miss Cora Lee Dalton has returned to her home in Forest City. Miss Dalton was a teacher of primary grades in the Ellenboro school.

Mr. E.A. Martin attended a birthday dinner of Mr. Decatur Edwards Sunday.


P.O. Examination

There will be an examination in Shelby May 6th for Postmaster at Spindale. This is a 4th class office.


Forest City Bus Line Schedule

Hamrick & Co. Operators


For Spring Time

We have a complete line of toilet goods for the ladies

Get That Spring Tonic Now

Everything For Your Needs

Reinhardt Drug Co., The Rexall Store, Forest City, N.C.


From the Cliffside News section of the Forest City Courier, Thursday, May 4, 1922.

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