Monday, May 9, 2022

John Underwood, 60, Killed in Auto Crash, May 9, 1922

Former Mayor of Fayetteville Killed. . . Killed As His Auto Crashes Into Tree

John Underwood, 60, former State representative, mayor of Fayetteville for several terms, and widely known throughout this State, was instantly killed last Friday morning when an automobile in which he was riding with Charles G. Marsh, failed to take a turn in the road about two miles west of West End, Moore county, and crashed into a tree. Mr. Underwood suffered a broken neck. The other three men were all slightly injured. The four were in their way to Greensboro.

Mr. Underwood was the author of the law which changed capital punishment in this State from hanging to electrocution.

From the front page of The Oxford Public Ledger, May 9, 1922

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