Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Late Frost Damages N.C. Apple Crop, May 10, 1922

Several Thousand Bushels of Apples Killed by Frost

Asheville Citizen

Reports of damage to the fruit crop by frost Sunday morning indicate a loss of several thousand bushels of apples in this immediate territory, and while a number of larger orchards reported no damage several reported a complete loss of the crop.

Agricultural and horticultural agents did not receive any accurate loss but will make efforts today to ascertain the damage to this year’s crop. On account of the day being Sunday, no trip into the country were made by the State or county officials.

The home was entertained by Asheville men who have orchards investments that the damage may be confined to those threes in the lower sections or pockets were the wind was of no avail in counteracting the frost. Last year’s crop of apples in this section was a total loss on account of the late cold weather and should this year’s crop be destroyed the loss will be keenly felt.

From the Asheville Citizen, as reprinted on the front page of The Davie Record, Mocksville, N.C., Wednesday, May 10, 1922

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