Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Local Briefs From Morganton, Rutherford, Rollins, Chesterfield, Salem, Oakland, Bee Hive, Worry, Amherst, Enola, Burkemont, Bridgewater, Drexel, Table Rock, May 11, 1922

Local Briefs In and Around Town

Mr. L.E. Webb and Mr. Hal M. Walton are building pretty bungalows in North Morganton.

Mr. and Mrs. F.H. Bradley moved this week into the pretty little bungalow on Burkemont avenue, which was built by Mr. Charlie Barnes.

Rev. F.K. Roof has moved into the Fred Ross house on Lenoir street. The house is right near the junction of Lenoir street with East Union.

The Lutheran Pastoral association of Catawba county met Monday of this week at Lenoir College, Hickory. Rev. F.K. Roof, who is a member of this association, was in attendance.

Mr. and Mrs. Homer Corpening, who have been living near the State Hospital, moved this week into their home on Green street, which they recently purchased from Mr. Will Patton.

Mr. W.C. McConnelly Jr. of Asheville arrived in Morganton this week to spend several months. He is staying at the Patton House for the present but will probably bring his family here during the summer.

Miss Tessie May Smith of Morganton graduated as a nurse last night from Appalachian Hall in Asheville.

The Senior class of the Morganton High school enjoyed a camping trip to Shortoff Saturday and Sunday.

Rev. F.K. Roof attended the meeting of the Western conference of the North Carolina Synod last week. The conference met with St. James congregation three miles south of Newton. He reports a most excellent meeting.

Many friends will regret to learn of the illness of Mr. Sam McCall at the home of his son, Mr. W.W. McCall. Mrs. W.S. Wheeler of St. Charles, S.C., and Mrs. H.D. Beckton of Blackey, Va., arrived Tuesday to be with their father.

Mr. John McDowell was showing a new Irish potato the other day, but he says he is not going to count that he has had potatoes until he has enough to divide with The News-Herald. Mrs. Ed Suddereth has been having new peas from her garden, Mr. McDowell reports.



Mr. Pink McGimsey, who has been in feeble health for some months, died Sunday at the home of his nephew, Mr. Guy McGimsey, being the last of four brothers, three of whom died in the last year.

Mrs. J.N. Yelton was again taken to Grace Hospital Saturday, where she is at present taking treatment which is hoped to be beneficial and prevent the necessity of the second operation. Her daughters, Misses Olen, Zelda and Ruth, spent the first of the week with her.

Rev. J.A. MacLean held services at the Presbyterian church here Sunday night.

Rev. Fletcher Simmons filled his appointment at the Baptist church Sunday morning. He will in the future hold services on the second Sunday and Sunday night, instead of the first Sunday as in the past.

Mr. J.H. Tate of Marion spent a while Tuesday afternoon with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S.P. Tate, who accompanied him home for the night to be present Wednesday at Memorial services, after which the Confederate veterans and their wives were served lunch by the United Daughters of the Confederacy.

The inclement weather Friday night didn’t keep a goodly crowd from being present at the picture show. Mr. Hart will be with us again May 19th.

Misses Charlotte, Mary and Martha Anthony spent the week-end with Miss Jessie Hendrix near Nebo.

Mr. Carl Justice left Sunday for Mt. Holly.

Mrs. M.C. Sigmon and son, Chaffie of Nebo, spent Sunday with Mrs. M.L. Hildebran.

Mrs. C.C. Gibbs returned from Grace Hospital last week. She was accompanied by her sister, Mrs. James Kistler.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Justice May 3rd, a son Carl Wesley Jr.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Haskins, May 4th, a daughter, Helen Dare.

Mrs. Joe Seagle has returned from Mt. Holly where she spent several days with her daughter, Mrs. Jessie Kistler.

Misses Hazel Coletran of High Point and Maggie and Elsie Asbury of Charlotte are commencement visitors of the Misses Elliott.

Mrs. Percy Chapman of Catawaba county is visiting Miss Mary Chapman.

Mrs. Morrison Hemphill spent Friday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M.N. Hennessee, at Glen Alpine.



Commencement is on and the two numbers so far given give evidence of a great occasion. Another week and our town will be as lonesome as “a lonely widow in a cottage by the sea.”

Mrs. E.L. Tiller has moved her family back to Dickenson County, Va. Her son, Rev. H.B. Tiller, will remain here, possibly for the whole vacation.

Mr. L.C. Johnston has moved his family to Icard and taken charge of the new garage there. He is a skilled workman and we trust will do a thriving business.

President Hinshaw disappeared immediately after Sunday school Sunday, but I later learned that he was called away to be the orator of the day at a birthday dinner given in honor of the 72nd anniversary of Mr. Robert Aiken’s birthday.

Mr. J.P. Johnson was called Monday of last week to the burial of his little grandson, one year old, at Colver, Pa.

Mr. J.E. Weaver went to Trinity College last week on a business trip. If Durham captures him, it will be a distinct loss to our town.

Rev. and Mrs. J.E. Bolick went to Clyde last Tuesday to attend the funeral of their niece, Mrs. Octa Brown, whose early demise is mourned by friends and loved ones here, she having been married only last September.

Rev. J.L. Kilgore of the Florida conference, M.E. church, stopped over in our town for a Sabbath rest and preached the sermon Sunday in place of our pastor, Rev. W.F. Elliott, who is leading the song service for the revival now being held in McAdensville, where his uncle, Dr. Victor York, is doing the preaching. Mr. Elliott will be home for the day Tuesday to see his two daughters graduate.

All our sick reported last week are much better, and no new cases that I can learn about.

If our county road authorities would put the little stretch of road from our corporation line to the State road in good repair, it would be a great convenience to the traveling public. We are glad, however, that the road force has begun work on the road between here and the river. Our main street is now being put in first-class condition. It only awaits the two patches above referred to to achieve “a long felt want.”



Miss Azile Sparks and Miss Ira Dale, with the Morganton high school senior class, enjoyed a week-end camping trip to Shortoff mountain.

Mr. and Mrs. C.A. Shuping spent Thursday night and Friday visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R.C. Shuping in the Bee Hive section.

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Williams of Morganton spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bryant C. Williams. Mrs. Maude Merrill was their week-end guest.

Mrs. Ed Patton and children spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. W.W. Patton at Glen Alpine.

Mr. and Mrs. N.A. McGhinnis attended Sunday school at the Church of God in Morganton Sunday afternoon and attended the young peoples’ meeting and prayer meeting at Drexel Sunday night.

Miss Ada Dillard, Miss Effie Williams and Miss Fannie Crisp have resigned their positions as nurses at the Hospital and will leave the 21st.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kincaid spent the week-end visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Cope, near Morganton.

Mrs. Ida Crump of Mars Hill has recently taken a position at the Hospital laundry.

Miss Victoria Wall of the laundry is now at her home in Morganton owing to the death of her nephew, Drew Hogan, who died Saturday.

Miss Augusta Smith of Chesterfield spent the week-end with her sister and family, Mrs. John R. Brown near the Hospital.

Mrs. D.L. Yoder of Newton is spending several days this week with her daughter and family, Mrs. H.B. Corpening.

Mrs. Hobart Logan left Grace Hospital on Wednesday of last week and is now with Mr. and Mrs. W.F. Logan. Mrs. Logan is much improved and hopes to be at her home soon.

Mr. and Mrs. A.F. Alexander of Morganton were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. R.V. Alexander and family.

Mr. and Mrs. Lorie Cox and children, of Drexel, were Sunday guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.D. Clark.

Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Giles of the Hospital spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Giles, in Glen Alpine.

The chapel services at the Hospital on Sunday afternoon were conducted by Rev. F.A. Bower of the First Baptist church of Morganton.

Rev. J.A. Fry conducted services at Oak Forest church Sunday night at 8 o’clock. Rev. J.M. Price will conduct services there next Sunday, the 14th, both morning and night.

Mr. Charlie Kirksey is now having constructed a nice cottage adjoining Mr. Allen Sloan’s cottage now occupied by Mr. J.Y. Taylor.

Mr. and Mrs. J. Simms and little daughter, Marie, visited Mr. and Mrs. Walter Stephenson and also Mr. and Mrs. Sid Miller, in Morganton, Sunday.

Miss Lettie Berry spent the week-end with her sister and family, Mrs. Herbert Lail, at Glen Alpine.

Mr. and Mrs. Grover Hutchins and family, of Morganton, were here Sunday, guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.R. Ross, near the Hospital.

Mrs. H.A. Barrier and little son, Ralph, are spending two weeks visiting Mr. Barrier’s relatives at Jonas Ridge.

Miss Pearl Teeter and Miss Elsie Stacy of Morganton were Sunday guests of Mrs. Tom Sparks and family.

Mrs. R.H. Long and children, of the Hospital, has returned from a visit to Monroe and Carlisle, S.C.

Misses Rachel Bobbit, Elvira Ingram, Blanche Wilhelm, of Cleveland, and Misses Zula Stone and Esther Watson of Nebo and Miss Beatrice Walker of Morganton are recent new nurses at the Hospital.

Mr. Lewis Clark, while unloading a car of meat at the Hospital store last week had the misfortune of having a heavy piece of lumber fall on the instep of his right foot and has since suffered considerably from the wound.

Mr. Jerome Duckworth and Mr. E. Clark have changed places for three months as working party attendant and outside night watchman.



Mr. and Mrs. Hub Watts’ baby died Tuesday morning of last week and was buried Wednesday morning at Denton’s chapel. The sympathy of the community is with the parents in the loss of their little one.

Andrew Crawley is confined to his bed with a very serious and painful attack of inflammatory rheumatism.

Mr. and Mrs. Augustus Denton and family moved to Morganton last Friday where Mr. Denton has a position in one of the cotton mills.

Mr. and Mrs. Pink Moses have moved up from Hickory and are now occupying the house vacated by Augustus Denton.

H. Clay Ferree was the Sunday dinner (guest) of his friend, Horace Lail.

Miss Selma Lail, who has just graduated from the school at Union Mills, with her mother, Mrs. Cora Lail of Cathleen, Ga., are spending a week with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A.D. Lail.

Rev. Israel Hildebran of Hildebran preached at Pleasant Ridge church Sunday. A very practical sermon to a good congregation.

Rev. F.A. Bower, pastor of the First Baptist church of Morganton, will preach at Pleasant Ridge Baptist church next Sunday evening at 3 p.m., with special reference to the $75,000 campaign.

While we are having a super-abundance of rain, western Massachusetts is having a multiplicity of forest fires doing lots of damage and in eastern Massachusetts fires were burning in 18 towns, as reported May 4th.

John M. Blankenship’s dog took a series of fits Sunday, frightening many people. So to prevent any damage, it was killed.

Collett Fisher with one daughter and three of his boys motored down from Marion and spent the week-end with Mrs. Sarah J. Fisher.

Joseph C. Fisher and Johnnie Fisher spent Saturday and Sunday in Morganton.

Miss Sarah C. Norris spent the week-end with her sisters, Mrs. Mary A. Wainwright and Mrs. Louisa Ferree.

Miss Simiarn Epley and Mrs. Harriett Epley, widow of Peter A. Epley, spent Saturday with Mrs. Sarah J. Fisher.

Mrs. Elbert Landreau and baby and Mr. and Mrs. W.E. Saunders spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J.N. Holland.

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Waters spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. L.T. Waters.

Mrs. Cora Saunders spent Monday with her daughter, Mrs. Gertrude Holland.

Little Miss Cora Lee Holland spent Sunday night with her aunt, Mrs. Mary Laundreau. (spelled Landreau previously)

The Hevener school boys played the Gilboa school boys on the old Gilboa school grounds Saturday evening and were victorious by a score of 2 to 1.



Miss Virginia Hood, who taught in the Hildebran high school and who is one of Burke’s efficient teachers, is spending her vacation at home.

Mr. S.E. Roper was called Monday to Salem, owing to the illness of his father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. E.E. Roper.

Misses Fannie Whitley of Morganton spent Friday with the Misses Smith.

Mr. Alfred Miller of Lenoir was a guest of his mother, Mrs. J.H. Miller, last Sunday.

Mr. Will Crouch and Miss Mary Crouch, after visiting Mr. and Mrs. Finley Rader, have returned home.

Mr. Tommie Harbison of Quaker Meadows was a Sunday guest of his sister, Mrs. Charles Hensley.

Mrs. R.M. Smith is spending several days with her mother, Mrs. J.M. Crump, at Gamewell.

Mr. and Mrs. H.M. Conley, Miss Addie and Mr. Burtis and Guy Conley motored to Marion last Sunday and visited Mr. and Mrs. A.H. Giles and family.

Mr. Ransom Wilfong of Hickory was a guest in the home of Mrs. E.B. Hood Sunday.

Mrs. E.L. Thornburg and little daughter, Troy, went to Caldwell Saturday to spend a few days with her father, Mr. Pink Harmon, and other relatives.

Mr. John Baird returned form Chase City, Va., Monday. He purchased a farm near there.

We were sorry to learn of the death of our good friend, Mrs. Mary Perkins in Morganton last week.

Mr. and Mrs. J.A. Lowdermilk spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R.C. Baird and Sunday night with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Harris at Antioch. Little Amy Harris is very ill with pneumonia.

Mr. James Smith has returned from a visit to Gamewell and Lenoir and attended the Caldwell Baptist singing convention at Saw Mills. He reports a good time.

There were two ball games here Saturday: Glen Alpine and Chesterfield, score 24 to 16 in favor of Chesterfield; and Amherst and Chesterfield, score 4 to 0 in favor of Amherst. The ice cream and box supper was a success, $29 being realized for the benefit of the ball team.



Rev. and Mrs. C.A. Caldwell and family, of Marion, recently visited the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.M. Orders here.

Mr. J.L. Pearson spent Saturday night with his father, Mr. Pink Pearson, who was very ill, but is some better.

Miss Rena Orders went to Hickory Sunday where she will undergo an operation on her throat.

Mrs. Preston Williams and children spent several days this week with Mr. and Mrs. S.W. Whitener.

We are sorry to know that Mr. Ed Roper’s family all have influenza.

Mr. and Mrs. J.R. Brown, Miss Augusta Smith and Miss Annie Causby spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Brown.

Mrs. Katie Causby of near the State Hospital spent Sunday with Mrs. T.O. Orders.



Mr. and Mrs. F.P. Brittain and family attended Miss Ethel Stroup’s funeral at Salem church Sunday afternoon. They also visited Mrs. Brittain’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.P. Hawkins.

Mr. and Mrs. J.T. Brittain and Mrs. Lusette Williams of Calvin were Monday guests of Mrs. T.N. Duckworth. Mrs. Duckworth’s sons met at her home Monday and recovered the roof of her home.

Mr. and Mrs. M.L. Propst and family and sister, Miss Cora Pearson, of near the School for the Deaf, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gus Pearson at the Sawyer colony.

Mr. H.L. Burns spent Monday at Drexel.

Mrs. H.L. Burns and little daughter, Claudie Mae, spent Sunday evening with Mrs. Felix Whitener and family.

Mr. and Mrs. Nolan S. Rockett and family and Mrs. John Brendle and Mrs. Tim Mull attended the funeral of Miss Edith Stroup at Salem church Sunday.

Mrs. J.L. Pearson and children were Monday afternoon guests of Mrs. Felix Whitener and family.

Mrs. W.J. Duckworth hopes to return to her home from Grace Hospital this week.

Mr. Moran Harbison has influenza.

Miss Ethel Stroup’s untimely death on Saturday was most sad. She was not quite 23 years of age and just in the prime of young womanhood; a general favorite with all who knew her. She was a consecrated member of Mt. Home church. Her funeral and burial was at Salem church on Sunday afternoon at 3 o’clock, Rev. J.A. Fry conducting the services. There was a very large concourse of relatives and friends present to pay their last tribute of love and esteem to her memory. The flowers in the church and at the grave were profuse and very beautiful. Mrs. Charlie Stroup, mother of the deceased, is now quite ill at her home in the Salem section.

Rev. J.A. Hackney of Yanceyville was called as pastor of Mt. Home church last Sunday. The vote was unanimous. If nothing prevent, he will conduct services and preach next Sunday at 11 a.m.

Mrs. Dill Brittain and children were Monday guests of Mrs. J.C. Digh and family.



Mr. and Mrs. R.C. Shuping and George and Lillian Shuping, and Mrs. Aaron Dale and children were recent guests of Mr. Shuping’s son, Mr. Charlie Shuping and family, at the State Hospital.

Mr. and Mrs. Jim Dale spent Wednesday at the home of his sister, Mrs. Ida Keller.

Mr. and Mrs. Gorman Dale and children visited Mr. and Mrs. Otto Dale and family, near Gilboa, Sunday.

Rev. Cicero Queen filled his regular appointment at Mull’s Grove church Saturday and Sunday. He was accompanied by Mrs. Queen and baby.

Messrs. Zack and Cicero Carswell were guests Sunday night of Mr. and Mrs. A.P. Laughridge.

Mr. and Mrs. Knox Fincannon and little son were guests Sunday of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elic Fincannon.

Mr. Preston Williams moved his family to West Virginia this week. We were very sorry to give up our good neighbors.

Mr. and Mrs. P.T. Berry and children spent the week-end in Drexel visiting relatives.

The people of this section were grieved to learn of the death of Mrs. Winnie Chapman, who died last Tuesday, and Miss Ethel Stroupe, who died Saturday. Both families have our sympathy in their sad bereavement.

Mr. and Mrs. M.A. Buff and children were guests Sunday of Mrs. Buff’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Obie Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Bailey and children of Valdese were weekend-guests of Mrs. Bailey’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Obie Williams.



Mrs. Annie Simpson, after a visit to her daughter, Mrs. W.F. Ramsaur, left Tuesday for her home at Chester, S.C.

Mrs. W.H. McDowell left Tuesday for Sylva, where she will spend several days with her daughter, Miss Cornelia McDowell.

Mrs. John Piercy left Monday in response to a message stating the illness of her daughter, Mrs. Beala Shast in Hickory.

Masters Howard and Nevalee, and Earl Benfield and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Benfield and Miss Mary Pyrd, all of Gastonia, spent a few days last week with Mrs. Benfield’s brother, Mr. I.D. Whisenant.

Mr. R.P. Laxton has been confined to her room for the past few weeks. (Is it supposed to be Mrs. and her room or Mr. and his room?)

Miss Kathleen Michaux of Raleigh came home Saturday and will spend several days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.M. Michaux.

Mrs. A.P. Anderson has been very sick for the past few days and at this writing is improving.

Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Kincaid of Morganton visited relatives here last week.

Mr. T.W. Drury of Quaker Meadows was our tax lister last Tuesday for Quaker Meadows.

Mr. J.B. Cope spent Friday night with his step-mother and family in Morganton.

Messrs. Clarence and Kanie Ramsaur and Walter Bost made a business trip to Pineola Tuesday.

Miss Ida Ramsaur is spending the week with Mrs. G.S. Ramsaur.

Miss Sallie Ramsaur is visiting at Burkemont Mission for a few days this week. She returned yesterday bringing Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Ramsaur with her.



On account of inclemency of the weather, the club did not meet at Amherst last Friday night, but was postponed until Saturday night, May 13, at 8 p.m. promptly. Also the debate will be held. Query, “Resolved, that the President of the United States shall be elected for a term of six years and be made ineligible for re-election.” Affirmative, Glennie Bradshaw and Carl Benfield; negative, Fannie Ellier and Knowlan Benfield. The best debater gets a gold medal. We are expecting a good audience, so everybody is cordially invited. (Name of the club was not given.)

Miss Lola Bradshaw, who has been at Statesville for several days, returned home Sunday and is getting along nicely.

Mr. and Mrs. H.H. Tilley visited at the home of Mrs. Emma Berry, at Rutherford College, Sunday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. J.E. Brooks and children and Mrs. Emma Brooks spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A.H. Smith.

Mr. and Mrs. J.R. Benfield, Mrs. John Marauda and Miss Maude Benfield spent Sunday with Mr. Ira Benfield.

Mr. Tom Sparks of Morganton spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. Mollie McCall.

Miss Fanny Eller is visiting Miss Maude Benfield at Valdese.

Mrs. E.H. Tilley went to Morganton Monday to spend several days with her daughters, Mrs. T.L. Sigmon and Mrs. R.B. Moore.

Several of our young people went to Sawmills Sunday afternoon to a singing convention.

Miss Mabel Setzer spent the week-end with relatives in Whitnel.

Mr. Carl Benfield and Miss Ophelia Benfield spent Sunday at Hickory with Miss Bessie Crouch.



A program given by the State Department of Education, E.L. Hart, operator, gave to the people of Enola an educational picture for the benefit of the school children. The people of Enola all seemed to enjoy the program. There was not misbehavior during the show. They know what is good and strive to do their best and appreciate everything of value offered to them.

Mr. Jacob Smith of Marion spent Thursday night with his mother, Mrs. Martha Smith, who is seriously ill.

Mr. J.M. Smith of Asheville, is spending a few days with his mother, Mrs. Martha Smith, who is very ill.

Mr. and Mrs. Tom Mace and family of Lincolnton have spent the past week visiting Mrs. Willie Mace.

Mr. Absolum Carswell, having a position at the State Hospital, has moved his family to that vicinity.

Miss Annie Smith, having completed her first year’s work at Mars Hill College, returned home Friday.

Miss Hattie Brittain of Marion spent the week-end with homefolks.

Mr. Ivey Mace spent Saturday in Casar on business.

Mrs. Jacob Smith of Marion spent the week-end with Mr. Smith’s mother, Mrs. Martha Smith.



Mr. J.O. Hudson has been in Shelby on business for a few days the past week.

Mrs. W.D. Lail and daughter, Miss Selma Lail of Georgia, are visiting relatives and friends in this section. Mrs. Lail attended the commencement at Union Mills, where her daughter finished school this year.

Mr. D.J. Dale has returned home from a short visit to his daughter at Cliffside.

Mr. Frank Dale of Morganton and Miss Mamie Crawley were the guests of Mr. C.M. Causby Sunday.

Mr. Jack Causby left Sunday to return to his work in Ohio, after spending two months with relatives and friends here. Mr. Hardie Causby accompanied his brother back to Ohio.

There will be a base ball game between Gilboa and Hefner at the Hefner schoolhouse next Saturday at 3 p.m.

Mr. Allen Lail of Glen Alpine visited his parents Monday.

Miss Ella Franklin his returned to Morganton after a week’s stay at her home here.



Mr. Fermon Hall has resigned his position at Richmond, Va., and is at his home here.

Rev. Mark Clark preached Sunday at Mt. Olive church to a large and appreciative congregation.

Mr. and Mrs. W.J. Dale and children spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. W.A. Queen at Morganton.

Messrs. Tom Taylor and Grover Epley spent Sunday afternoon with Misses Hannie and Carrie Cowan.

Messrs. Roy Morrison and Cletus Bridgers spent Sunday at the home of Mr. D.R. Epley.

Mrs. M.J. Dale and children have returned form Nebo where she has been spending some time with her brother, Mr. Patton.

Miss Cordie Taylor spent Sunday with Miss Velsie Morrison.

Miss Viola Dale spent Sunday afternoon with Miss Estelle Epley.

Saturday, May 13th, is the day appointed for cleaning up the cemetery at Mt. Olive. Everybody come.

The farmers are busy planting corn.



Commencement exercises will begin Wednesday evening and continue through Friday. Everybody is expecting a great time.

Rev. W.L. Barrs has returned to his home here, having spent several days in Lexington.

Misses Myrtle and Margaret Sparks of Morganton were week-end visitors in Drexel last week.

Mr. Oscar McNeely of Charlotte is spending the week at home.

Messrs. Erwin Berry and Bruce Hildebrand of Mars Hill returned home Saturday.

Prof. Towery was a welcome visitor in Drexel Sunday.

Miss Mildred Berry spent the week-end at Hildebrand last week.

“Mother’s Day” was observed at the Baptist church Sunday. A large congregation was present and everybody enjoyed the helpful talk that Mr. Barrs made. A number of Drexel people attended the singing convention at Saw Mills Sunday.

The B.Y.P.U. met at the usual hour Sunday evening. The subject of the hour was “Charity or Love,” and a most splendid program was rendered. The young people are doing splendid work, interest being shown on every hand. We are glad to have our old members with us again.

The sick folks of our town are improving, we are glad to say.



Miss Lou Harris of the State Hospital, accompanied by a friend, spent Monday at her home here.

Messrs. John Warlick, Smith and Estes of Granite Falls spent the week-end here. They took a trip to the Table Rock Saturday.

Another interesting contest was conducted at Mt. Grove Sunday school last Sunday. The subject was “The Resurrection of Jesus.” Several contestants gave most interesting stories. Miss Genay Kincaid was the winner of the honor badge.

Mr. Will Whisenant of Morganton, Route 5, spent the week-end with his family, who are spending some time with relatives here.

Mrs. F.M. Kincaid returned last week from a visit to relatives in Lenoir and Collettsville.

Mrs. Sue Golloway and Mrs. Ann Wingfield are visiting relatives in Granite Falls and Hickory.

Mr. Charles F. Kincaid of Nebo spent Friday night with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. F.M. Kincaid.

Miss Mattie Nantz of Morganton is visiting relatives here.

Rev. and Mrs. J.C. Gentry and children were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Kincaid.

Mr. Watson Sisk is attending commencement at Rutherford College.

From the front page and page 8 of The News-Herald, Morganton, N.C., May 11, 1922

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