Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Let's Get to Know Each Other, Says Sams to Polk County, May 4, 1922

Notice of Farmers Meeting May 17th, 1922

By J.R. Sams, County Agent

There will be a meeting of farmers and business men of Polk county on Wednesday, May the 17th, 1922, at the Polk County Farmers Federation Warehouse in Tryon, N.C. The main purpose of the meeting is to get farmers and business men of the county together for a better understanding of their business relations. The Farmers Federation is not an institution to destroy anything; but an institution to foster and build up every thing in the county that should be built. We want every member of the Farmers Federation to be present that day in order that he or she may better understand the duty of a member and become more loyal and enthusiastic to it. We want every farmer in the county who is not a member of the Federation to be at his meeting to learn more of its aims and purposes, and become a member in order to make the Federation strong that it may answer the purposes for which it was organized. We want the business men of the county to be at this meeting to shake hands with the farmers and learn more of each other’s joys and sorrows, successes and failures, that they may sympathize with each other in sorrow and rejoice with each other in success.

We want the ladies of Tryon, Saluda, Columbus, Greens Creek, Cooper Gap, and White Oak Township to come together as a Farmers Picnic such as has never been before in Polk county. Then we want the ladies of Tryon, Saluda and Columbus to meet with the wives and children of the farming sections of the county and learn more of each other. We want this to be a get together day that will be remembered to the coming generation.

We will have speakers to set forth the farmer’s view point of cooperative marketing. The farm women have a committee that will see after something to eat, and we will try and have some hot coffee, chocolate or tea, or some of all. We want a good time that day and we mean to have. Now let every farmer and business man begin now, yes, right now to get himself right toward himself then toward his neighbor; every one getting all the meanness out of himself and come to this meeting perfectly clean; inside and out and I will guarantee the greatest and the best meeting ever held in Polk county, and its results will be felt on Polk county’s moral and business affairs for a generation to come. Now let every one of us resolve to be at this meeting and do his or her bit to make it just the thing we are working to make.

From the front page of The Polk County News, Tryon, N.C., May 4, 1922

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