Monday, May 16, 2022

Waynesville Buying Brevard's Baseball Franchise, May 16, 1922

Waynesville to Take Brevard’s Place in League. . . Waynesville Fans in Enthusiastic Meeting at Asheville Last Night Raised Money for Franchise

Waynesville baseball fans and public spirited citizens have raised $650 in cash to purchase Brevard’s franchise and post the league entrance bond, as the result of an enthusiastic meeting held last night in the mayor’s office at Asheville. The meeting was attended by about 150 Waynesvillians and delegates from this city, Asheville and Canton. Brevard had made known their inability to be a member of the league this year.

Hendersonville was represented by Mayor Rhodes, president of the league, and Manager Moyer of the baseball club. Mr. Rhodes explained the workings of the 1922 Western North Carolina league under the reorganization plans. A meeting will e held tomorrow night at Asheville to affect complete organization and adopt a schedule for the league season.

Waynesville was a franchise holder in the old Western North Carolina league, and has therefore a park. A grandstand has recently been built. Their independent team, playing with Manager Moyer’s Boosters Saturday, showed up well. Though the final score was 10 to 4 against them, it was 5 to 4 until the last inning. Fans of that city were enthusiastic over this showing and quickly decided to start a movement to purchase Brevard’s franchise. Asheville and Hendersonville will lend the new club, to be organized tonight, whatever players are needed at the start. Waynesville is nearer to the other league cities by about 10 miles than was Brevard, cutting down time and distance on the circuit.

From the front page of the Hendersonville Times, Tuesday, May 16, 1922

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