Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Lusty Infant Found, Dock Shields and Mother of the Child Arrested, June 14, 1922

Lusty Infant Found, Two Arrests Made

Winston-Salem, June 14—finding of a lusty infant Sunday morning, neatly dressed and in a basket filled with pretty articles, led today to the arrest of Dock Shields, a merchant of the Southside section of the city, on a charge of separation (of) the child from its mother.

A little later the mother was arrested, too, but her name is withheld by the police. According to the police, she made a complete confession of her parental relation to the child. In the meanwhile, the infant, whose name is Woodrow, has been placed in a local hospital.

From the front page of the Fayetteville Observer, June 14, 1922

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