Friday, July 1, 2022

American Athletic Girls Team to Play in Littleton July 6, 1922

Bloomer Girls Coming

Another feature of the baseball schedule for next week is the game to be played by the local boys with the American Athletic Girls on the home diamond next Thursday afternoon, July 6.

From the front page of The News Reporter, Littleton, July 1, 1922


A Real Knockout In Training

Jimmy Kelly, trainer of Peggy Salisbury, who is to contest for the female championship of the Film players Club at Starlight Park, N.Y., was shocked when his favorite was knocked out by Miss Anna Smith during a practice bout at the training headquarters. Anna landed on the jaw, and Peggy took the count eight times before she came to and asked for aromatic spirits of ammonia.

From the front page of The News Reporter, Littleton, July 1, 1922

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