Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Asheville Firefighters Put Out Blazes at Shuford House, Howland Residence, and Glenn Home, July 13, 1922

Firemen Answer Three Alarms

Three small fires occurred yesterday within three hours and kept the Asheville Fire Department on Alert.

A small house located at No. 2 Catholic Avenue, owned by W.E. Shuford, was damaged by a blaze shortly after 10 o’clock. The house was occupied by David Yount, colored.

The Howland residence was slightly damaged by a small roof fire about 10:15 o’clock, but the fire was put out quickly.

At 2:37 o’clock the house occupied by Ora Glenn, 60 Central Avenue, was slightly damaged.

From The Asheville Citizen, July 13, 1922

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