Friday, July 8, 2022

Construction of Elizabeth City Packing Plant Beginning, July 1922

Begin Work on Ham Factory Next Week. . . Will Pack Smithfield Hams in Elizabeth City and Market Them Out of Hampton, Va.

Construction on the packing plant of Whitley & Hudgins on West Main St. extended will begin next week and the plant completed in time for operation next fall. The company will begin with a brick building 30 feet wide by 80 feet deep with a capacity for handling 250,000 to 500,000 pounds of dressed pork in a season.

Whitley & Hudgins are Hampton, Va., packers of Smithfield hams, marketing under the brand of “A No. 1 Smithfield Hams.” The members of the firm are C.M. Whitley and W.L. Hudgins. They will retain their offices in Hampton, Val. And the “Smithfield” hams cured in their Elizabeth City plant will be marketed form Hampton.

Mr. Whitley has handled considerable North Carolina pork at his Hampton plant, making ”Smithfield” hams out of North Carolina porkers right along. He purchased three car loads of pork here last winter. He was finally persuaded that it would be more profitable to pack and cure his meat at Elizabeth City where he would be sure of a supply of dressed pork in season.

From the front page of The Independent, Elizabeth City, N.C., July 7, 1922

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