Monday, July 18, 2022

Governor Morrison Hears From Locomotive Engineers at Hamlet and Felix Cannon, July 18, 1922

Engineers Send Appeal

Raleigh, July 18—Governor Cameron Morrison today made public an exchange of telegrams between him and Division 435 Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers at Hamlet, and Felix Cannon president of the federated shopcrafts at Hamlet in regard to the sending of troops into Richmond county in which Hamlet is located. The engineers charged in one telegram that “engines are being run out of Hamlet in a dangerous condition and in violation of the law,” while in another message the engineers said that “Richmond county is still a law abiding citizenry and needs no state troops to hold us in due bounds. We will bitterly resent the presence of troops sent anywhere in this county.”

From the front page of the High Point Enterprise, July 18, 1922

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