Thursday, July 14, 2022

Home Demonstration Club Doings in Transylvania County, July 14. 1922,

Home Demonstration Doings

Miss Bessie Smith, Public Health Nurse, is visiting the Home Demonstration Clubs with Miss Clarke this week and next to plan some courses in nursing with the girls and women of the county.

The Girls Home Demonstration Club of Davidson River will hold their regular meeting on Thursday, July 20, at 2:30 p.m. at the Davidson River Schoolhouse.

At this meeting plans will be discussed for an entertainment to be given to make money to buy a piano for the school. Every member is requested to be present and any one in the community interested in this project.

On Saturday night, July 22nd at 8 p.m., the Girls Home Demonstration Club of Davidson River will give an entertainment and ice cream supper at the Davidson River schoolhouse to get money to buy a piano for the school.

The public is invited. Come one, come all and help this worthy cause.

Monday afternoon July 17th at 2 p.m., a special meeting is called at the Quebec Schoolhouse for the purpose of organizing a community fair.

Everyone interested in this fair is urged to attend the meeting.

From The Brevard News, Transylvania County, N.C., July 14, 1922.

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