Saturday, July 2, 2022

John McNeill, 65, His Grandson McDonald, 12, Killed When Car Struck by Train; 12-Year-Old Was Driving, July 2, 1922

Two Are Killed and Ford Car Demolished. . . Seaboard Air Line Passenger Train Strikes Roadster on Aberdeen Crossing

Hamlet, July 1—Seaboard Air Line passenger train No. 41, southbound, struck a Ford roadster at Maple street crossing in Aberdeen, at 11:47 this morning and killed the two occupants, John McNeill, aged 65, and his grandson, McDonald, aged about 12, both white, who lived at Aberdeen. The accident cannot be accounted for except that the small boy, who was driving, failed to see the train until close upon him, and then, seeing the danger, made an effort to get off the track but the car choked on him and was demolished.

Dr. McLeod of Aberdeen was immediately summoned to render all possible aid, but both bodies were badly mutilated and they died en route to the Hamlet hospital.

From the front page of The Charlotte Sunday Observer, July 2, 1922

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