Sunday, July 10, 2022

Local Briefs From the Goldsboro Daily Argus, July 10, 1922

Local Briefs

Mrs. J.C. Vanstory has been called to Spartanburg, S.C., by the serious illness of her father.

Miss Mary Lou Waters and Mrs. A. Roscower are spending a few days at Wrightsville Beach.

Mrs. Percy Thompson left today for Virginie, to be at the bedside of her venerable mother, who is critically ill.

Miss Mary Gilmore Parker of New York City is visiting her cousin Miss Mattie Parker, on west Ash street.

Mr. Edward S. Kornegay, who has been visiting his mother, Mrs. Hattie Kornegay, has returned to Louisville, Ky.

Mrs. Mary F. Hughes is at home again visiting relatives in Wilmington, Jackson, N.C., and Kinston.

Mr. Louis Cohen of New York City is the guest of Mrs. Asher Edwards, his mother-in-law, where Mrs. Cohen has been spending some weeks.

Mr. and Mrs. W.F. Neufer have moved into their newly completed home on Herman street just opposite the park, and their friends are wishing them much happiness. Mr. Neufer’s mother, from Petersburg, Va., is visiting him.

Miss Helen Hart of Suffolk, Va. who has been visiting Miss Dawson Slaughter on George street, has returned home accompanied by Miss Slaughter, on a visit.

Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Hooker and daughter Miss Lucile, returned to their home in Aurora after spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Royall Spence.

Mr. and Mrs. Roger A. Smith Jr. of Smithfield have returned home after spending the week-end with their parents Dr. and Mrs. R.A. Smith on Chestnut street.

Capt. William A. Smith, who has been on a visit to his parents, Dr. and Mrs. R.A. Smith, has returned to his army post at Fort McKinley, Maine.

Mrs. W.R. Hollowell left today for a two months stay in western North Carolina, where she will be engaged in lecturing to teachers on subjects of citizenship.

The regular monthly meeting of the Goldsboro Business and Professional Womans Club will be held in their club room tomorrow evening at 8 o’clock. A full attendance of members is urged.

Mrs. Arnold Borden, Mrs. Charles Grainger and Miss Rachel Borden will leave on the early train in the morning for several weeks stay at lowing Rock and other N.C. mountain resorts.

Mrs. Z.M.L. Jeffreys and little niece, Miss Dorothy Hauser, who have been visiting Mrs. Jeffrey’s daughter, Mrs. M. Carmichael, for some weeks in Long Island, N.Y., are at home again.

Mr. Geo. A. Norwood, president of the Tri-State Cooperative Tobacco Marketing Association, left here for Wilson today with plans for the new cooperative sales warehouse the association has decided to erect in that town. The construction work will begin at once.

Miss Mary Robinson Morris, president of the Goldsboro Business and Professional Woman’s Club, ad Miss Bessie Claytor, as delegates from the Goldsboro club, are now en route to Chattanooga, to attend the annual convention of the Inter-State Association. Miss Mary Elizabeth Morris accompanied her mother, Mrs. Mary R. Morris, to Chattanooga on a pleasure trip.

Our esteemed good friend and merchant townsman Mr. Leslie Weil, a graduate of the N.C. University and member of its Board of Trustees, has just been honored with the presidency of the Alumni Association of that institution. This is indeed a high honor bestowed where it is as highly merited.

From the Goldsboro Daily Argus, July 10, 1922

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