Thursday, July 14, 2022

Lt. Harris Has Married Miss Bollman of Illinois, July 14, 1922

Lieut. Harris Weds

It will be interesting to the many friends of the family to know that information was received in Louisburg the past week that Lieut. Hunter Harris of the 29th Infantry stationed at Camp McClellan, Anniston, Ala., was married on July 3rd, 1922, to Miss Aline Bollman of Belvedere, Ill. The marriage was a quiet one, only a few intimate friends being present.

Mr. Harris is one of Louisburg’s most popular young men, and is making quite an enviable reputation in the Army. He is the son of our townman, Mr. O.H. Harris.

The bride is one of Belvedere’s popular and accomplished young ladies.

Louisburg joins their many friends to extending congratulations.

From the front page of The Franklin Times, Louisburg, N.C., July 14, 1922

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