Monday, July 11, 2022

Lutheran Church Forming in Rocky Mount, July 10, 1922

Organization of Lutheran Church for Rocky Mount

Rocky Mount, July 9—Plans looking to the permanent organization of a Lutheran church in this city were perfected last night at a meeting of Lutherans of the city. The meeting was held at the Y.M.C.A., where local Lutherans have been holding services for the past several Sundays at the call of Rev. S. White Rhyne, who was recently sent into the eastern Carolina home mission field by the Lutheran synod of North Carolina.

At last night’s meeting a Sunday school was organized and J.Q. Wartz elected superintendent. Mrs. J.H. Painter was named president of the ladies class, while a men’s class was organized, the teachers for the class to be named later. Miss Marie Hill was named Sunday school organist. It is expected that Sunday school will be held for the first time July 16, but no permanent plans for services have yet been formed, although several are under consideration and some announcement along this line is expected any time.

From the Greensboro Daily News, July 10, 1922

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