Monday, July 11, 2022

Proclamation of The Mountain King to Subjects of Nahna-Yona-Ville, July 11, 1922

His Majesty, the Mountain King, Issues Proclamation to the Subjects of Nahna-Yona-ville

Hear Ye! Hear Ye! Subjects of his majesty the Mountain King of Nahna-Yona-ville, the following proclamation is effective and beware to all who provoke the wrath of his highness


By His Exalted Majesty The MOUNTAIN KING


Know ye, your loyal subjects, that we have embarked on our journey to the capital city of Asheville to bring thence Her Majesty, our gracious Queen Summer, to bestow upon her the crown of our royal realm of the Mountains.

Our course is set over the King’s Highway ‘mid such scenes as convince us that peace and prosperity reign throughout our domain, where nature has bestowed her richest gifts of climate and beauty.

Her Majesty and ourself are in excellent health. The entire royal court is surrounded with every comfort, and all are enjoying the highest spirits.

We will arrive in Ashville at 5 of the clock on the afternoon of Tuesday, July 11, when we shall be pleased to receive the keys of the city and the homage of our beloved subjects. And for the remainder of the festivities of Nahna-Yona, we command that oy and merriment be unrestrained.


Sealed with His Majesty’s Seal this 10th day of July, 1922

Erskine, Prime Minister

From The Asheville Citizen, July 11, 1922

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