Monday, August 15, 2022

Cameron Shipp to Leave The Times, Enter UNC-Chapel Hill, Aug. 15, 1922

Cameron Shipp Will Enter University, Chapel Hill

After this week Cameron Shipp, who has held the position as reporter for The Times during the last 12 months, will serve his connections with this paper and after several week’s rest and preparation will enter the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill as a student in that institution.

During his stay with us Mr. Shipp has done his work well and our great family of readers, while regretting that he will no longer be associated with this paper, will wish him success in the prosecution of his studies at Chapel Hill.

Prof. T.W. Valentine, principal of the city high school, will become reporter for The Times for the next three weeks. At the expiration of that time Mr. Valentine will resume his work as principal of the school. After that date we have a man employed who will succeed Mr. valentine as city reporter and our readers may feel sure that The Times will maintain that high class of reliable, interesting news that it always carries in its columns.

From The Western North Carolina Times, Aug. 15, 1922

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