Friday, August 12, 2022

Clyde Hester Breaks His Hand Beating Thomas Webb, Aug. 12, 1922

Peeping Tom Is Given Hard Whipping

By the Associated Press

Raleigh, Aug. 12—the peeping proclivity of Thomas Webb, negro, “Peeping Tom” probably will be confined to bars of the county jail or the blinds of the prison infirmary for the next few weeks as the result of a severe beating administered on him last evening by Clyde Hester, local sheet metal worker, who caught the negro peeping into the home of a neighbor.

Hester beat the negro so badly that he was hardly able to stand up when brought to the police station. Besides having a badly injured head, the negro lost a row of gold teeth. Hester broke his hand in the fight.

From the front page of The Hickory Daily Record, Saturday evening, Aug. 12, 1922

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