Sunday, August 14, 2022

David Yow Joins Loflin & Son Undertakers, Aug. 14, 1922

David Yow Is with a Local Undertaker

His many friends in High Point will be interested to learn that David T. Yow, recently of Winston-Salem, has returned to this city to accept a position in the undertaking establishment of R.L. Loflin & Son. He assumed his new duties today.

Mr. Yow is well known here, having at one time held a position with J.W. Sechrest & Son, local undertakers. For the past several months, in fact, since graduating from the Cincinnati College of Embalming he has been associated with frank Vogler & Sons, Winston-Salem undertakers.

Mr. Yow is a native of Thomasville, where his relatives now reside. He returned to High Point peculiarly equipped for the work.

From the front page of The High Point Enterprise, Aug. 14, 1922

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