Saturday, August 13, 2022

Lindsay Matthews Wants Bank to Pay for His Humiliation, Aug. 13, 1922

Bank Arrest Hurt Him $25,000 Worth. . . Sues Bank of Summerfield for Loss of Reputation and Great Humiliation

Winston-Salem, Aug. 12—Lindsay H. Matthews of Kennersville has instituted suit in Forsyth Superior court against the Bank of Summerfield and Howard Simpson, the cashier and director, in which judgement in the sum of $25,000 is asking because of the arrest of the plaintiff in connection with the investigation of the robbery of the bank on May 29th of this year.

The plaintiff alleges that he was in Summerfield on the day of the robbery on business and that he was sitting in his car near a garage when the alarm was sounded that the robbery had been committed; that officials of the bank came to his car and detained him placing a guard over him for several hours after which he was held until released following investigation by the sheriff oof Guilford county; that after his release by the sheriff another warrant was sworn out before a justice of the peace and that the plaintiff was held in jail for 17 days until released by the grand jury which body did not find a true bill; that he suffered loss of reputation and great humiliation of mind which he says will follow him all his life.

From the front page of the Raleigh News & Observer, Sunday, Aug. 13, 1922

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