Monday, August 8, 2022

Reports from Juvenile Court and the County Home, Aug. 8, 1922

Welfare Department Had A Busy Month. . . 19 Cases Investigated by Juvenile Court; Has 59 Children on Probation

The report of the county superintendent of public welfare for the month of July shows that the department had eight cases less on probation over last month. At the beginning of the month there were 59 children on probation, and at the end of the month there were only 51.

During the month 13 cases were handled by the juvenile court, of this number 3 were white boys and 2 white girls, 13 colored boys and 1 colored girl.

The following disposition was made in the 19 court cases:

Placed in Forsyth reformatory, 3; placed on probation, 11; placed with relatives, 2; placed with non-relatives, 2; sent to Caswell Training School, 1. During the month of July there were eight adult prosecutions handled by the court, and all of them were convicted.

One of the things that kept the department on the rush was matter of issuing child labor certificates. During this period 425 were issued. Sixteen applications for certificates were refused.

Five people were placed in the county home during the month, three of this number being white and two colored. One white boy was sent to his parents in Mt. Holly, and another was sent to his home in Granite Falls.

From The Western Sentinel, Winston-Salem, Aug. 8, 1922

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