Monday, August 1, 2022

Sunday Was Sad Day in Buncombe County, Aug. 1, 1922

Two Killed, Three Injured in Buncombe

Asheville, July 31—Two persons were killed and four injured in three accidents in and near Asheville Sunday. Lord Henry Tate, a 16-year-old white boy, was drowned while swimming near Riverside Park, Asheville, Sunday afternoon. He had been under water about 30 minutes when he was rescued.

A negro named Gibson was killed and three others injured when an automobile in which they were riding plunged over an embankment near Gudger’s bridge, beyond Oteen hospital. One of the negroes, Will Beatty, is in a serious condition. Henry Rice and Will Davis received slight injuries. The police have arrested the three injured. All were intoxicated, the police say.

John Henry Johnson had both legs cut off by the Knoxville train. He was walking along the railroad track, and when the locomotive sounded its whistle, he stepped from one track to another, the train striking him. Both legs were amputated below the knee.

From the Western Sentinel, Winston-Salem, Aug. 1, 1922

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