Friday, September 9, 2022

Deputy Sheriff Archie Nash Mistaken for Burglar, Sept. 9, 1922

Deputy Is Mistaken for Burglar; Shot

Salisbury, N.C., Sept. 9—Archie Nash, former deputy sheriff, is in a serious condition in a hospital here as a result of being shot in the head last night while investigating the report of a neighbor, George Boger, to the effect that there was a burglar in the neighborhood.

Mr. Boger telephone Mr. Nash that someone was trying to enter the Boger home. Nash apparently misunderstood and went to the Boger store, several doors from his home. After finding everything all right, Nash started to return to his home, and was shot as he passed the Boger residence.

Boger said he fired several shots at what he supposed was a fleeing burglar. Sherik (Sheriff) Krider, who visited the scene shortly after Nash was found, is of the opinion that it was a case of mistaken identity No charges have been preferred.

From the front page of the Sun-Journal, New Bern, Saturday afternoon, September 9, 1922

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