Saturday, October 1, 2022

About $800 Stolen From Selma Safes, Oct. 1, 1922

Robbers Crack Safes in Selma and Get Away With About $800

Selma, Sept. 30—Safe crackers visited Selma last night and robbed the safe in the offices of the Southeastern Express company and the Wood Grocery company. About $800 in money was stolen. In both instances two robbers battered the door of the safe to pieces with a heavy hammer and pick which they secured by breaking into the tool house of the section foreman of the Southern railway, which is located near the passenger station. There was about $71a(?) in the safe of the express company and about $75 in the safe of the Wood Grocery company. The store of the ?nton Grocery ad Feed company, which is across the street from the Wood Grocery company, was also broken open, but nothing is missing from the interior.

There is no clue as to the identity of the robbers.

From the front page of the Greensboro Daily News, October 1, 1922. The amount taken from the Express company safe looks like $71a, which doesn’t make any sense, but the amount has to e seven hundred something if the total amounted to the $800 mentioned in the headline.

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