Monday, October 3, 2022

J.F. Barrett Forfeits His Bond, Oct. 3, 1922

Barrett Failed to Show Up in Court. . . Former Labor Leader’s Bond of $300 Declared Forfeited; Capias Issued for Oct. 14

Salisbury, Oct. 3—J.F. Barrett, former president of the State Federation of Labor, forfeited his bond in the sum of $300 today in county court by failing to appear for trial this morning when the two cases against him, charging carrying a concealed weapon and drunk and disorderly were called.

The cases had previously been continued twice. Judge Furr ordered a capias sci fa returnable in Rowan county court on October 14. These cases developed at the time of the visit here of the defendant during the railroad shopmen’s strike.

From the front page of the Twin City Sentinel, Winston-Salem, Tuesday, Oct. 3, 1922

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