Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Local Items From The Star of Zion, Charlotte, N.C., Oct. 5, 1922

Vicinity Items

Dr. Blackwood, Meharry Medical student, spent a few days in the city last week. He also attended the funeral of Dr. E.A. Tillman.

Mrs. Miller of Spartanburg, S.C., motored to the city last week and was the house guest of Mrs. Ida Barber.

Dr. Russell Lewis passed through the city this week on his way to Meharry.

Great revival at Grace church is very successful this week.

Mr. John E. Watkins is spending a few days in the city.

Misses Rebecca Lawings, Della Holmon and Willie Gilyard left for Livingstone College Monday.

Dr. W.W. Matthews, editor of the Missionary Seer, was a visitor at the Publishing House this week.

There will be a “Foot Sale” Monday night at the home of Mr. G.W. Pharr for the benefit of Gethsemane church.

Mr. Lee Wilson remains sick at his home.

Miss Ernestine Jordan, one of the city school teachers of Gastonia, spent the week-end with relatives and friends.

Mrs. E.B. Green of Spartanburg, S.C., was a visitor at the Publishing House this week.

Miss Effie Byers is home after spending the summer in Asheville and Lincolnton, N.C.

Mrs. Frances Thomas spent last Sunday in Dallas, N.C.

The friends of Mrs. Rachael Andrews are pleased to know that she is improving.

Mr. I.F. Long has been quite sick but is improving.

Mr. Joe Maxwell is on the sick list this week.

Mrs. Moore and two little granddaughters from the southern part of the state spent a few days with Mrs. P.J. Jamison. Mr. Michael Moore died last week at his home. He was a faithful member of Little Rock church.

Mr. and Mrs. Harris and children of Washington, D.C., are in the city visiting relatives and friends.

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gomley are planning to move in their new home in Biddleville.

Bishop J.S. Caldwell passed through the city this week enroute for Philadelphia.

The Sunday School of Clinton Chapel church will have their Educational Congress Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of next week.

The missionary society of Clinton Chapel church met at the home of Mrs. H.L. Simmons Wednesday afternoon. A delicious salad course was served.

Mrs. Anna Moore, wife of Mr. D.D. Moore Jr. of Philadelphia, died last week after a short illness. Her body was brought home for burial Sunday, September 30, accompanied by her husband, two daughters, aunt and two sisters-in-law. The funeral was at Moore’s Sanctuary church.

Mrs. S.W. Hamilton of Lincolnton, N.C., is visiting relatives in the city. She was a pleasant caller at the Publishing House.

Mrs. John L. Lowery and Misses Eva, Willie and Lucy Lowery are visiting mother and friends in Morganton, N.C. During their stay, Mrs. James A. Lutz, a sister of Mrs. Lowery’s, is keeping house. Mr. John and Master Jack Lowery spent the week end with them, September 16-17.

Mr. and Mrs. John Lowery announces the arrival of a little daughter, Margaret Elizabeth, September 14, 1922.

From page 8 of The Star of Zion, Charlotte, N.C., Oct. 5, 1922

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