Monday, October 3, 2022

Made in Forsyth County, 1922

Many Firms Have Special Displays and Show Up Fine. . . Building Full of Made-In-Winston-Salem and Sold-in-Winston-Salem Wares. . . List of Displays Made. . . All These Exhibits Wee in Shape for the Opening Day and Make Most Creditable Showing; Is One of the Most Interesting Displays at the Fair Grounds

Every foot of space in the commercial building at the fairgrounds this year is taken by Winston-Salem merchants and manufacturers, who have arranged a regular exposition in which many local made products are featured. The immense proportions of the city’s manufacturing interests are hardly comprehensible until the various products are grouped together. This show alone is well worth a visit to the fairgrounds. Each morning and evening the Great Victor Band will play a concert in front of this building and the displays were in their places before noon. In fact everything was ready for the big crowds that began to arrive shortly after 10 o’clock. The commercial building was thronged with people all the afternoon who were admiring the pretty displays of furniture, candy, tobacco, hardware, blankets, hosiery, men’s and women’s clothing and furnishings, etc.

The commercial exhibits are arranged on the first and second floors of the building. Attractive decorating featured every display. Much attention was given the arranging of the various articles this year, hence the reason for the unusual attractiveness of the place. The various firms and manufacturing concerns sent their best decorators to put up their exhibits this year. In this building will be found exhibits referred to as follows:

Broadway Music Co.

The Broadway Music Company of East Fifth street is featuring Milton pianos. Attractive display cards call attention to the many fine features of this musical instrument. A representative of the store is in charge.

Lindsay-Ligon Company

The Lindsay-Ligon Company, wholesale distributors of grocery products, has a very attractive booth in which Gelfand’s mayonnaise and relish is being displayed and demonstrated. The booth is in charge of Mrs. H.B. Thomas and Mrs. W.H. Ligon, who will be glad to have their friends call and give these well known products a trial.

Peerless Ice Cream Co.

The Peerless Ice Cream Company has a pretty display in which the fine qualities of their product are explained.

Bolling’s Display

J.R. Bolling, “The Cycle Man,” has a both in which he is showing Harley-Davidson motorcycles and bicycles and Yale bicycles, both nationally known machines.

Maxwell House Coffee

Two spaces have been thrown together this year for the display and demonstration booth of the Maxwell House Coffee Company. H.F. Sigler, who has attended the fair for several years as a representative of the Maxwell people, is on the job again this year. The ladies of Mrs. H.S. Lott’s class of the First Presbyterian Sunday school are serving the free coffee for Mr. Sigler. A hot cup of good coffee, with cream and sugar, will be served to all who stop at this booth.

Fletcher Furniture Company

The Fletcher Furniture Company of North Liberty street is featuring an attractive manner Round Oak ranges and stoves and Starr phonographs. The merits of these articles are attractively portrayed on pretty cards arranged around the booth.

Hanes Knitting Company

The Hanes Knitting Company has a most attractive display of underwear in which the well known lines made by this company for men and boys is featured. All of the lines made by the company are shown.

The Arista Mills

The Arista Mills is displaying in a most attractive manner Southside chambray in the bolt. The booth is very pretty and attracts the attention of the passersby very quickly.

Hanes Hosiery Mills

The Hanes Hosiery Mills has a very interesting display of its products, including the different silk lines in various colors. The thread from which this hosier is made is also shown. A large photograph of the company’s buildings adorns the booth.

Chatham Manufacturing Company

The blanket display of the Chatham Manufacturing Company contains a most interesting assortment of the different kinds of spreads, etc., made by this company. There are the pretty plaids, stripes and plain blankets of different weights and sizes, all of which are very attractive.

American Oil Pumps

The American Oil Pump and Tank Company has a very attractive display of visible gasoline and lubricating oil tanks, which has been arranged by J.F. Jeffreys of this city, state representative. Of special interest is the visible lubricating oil tank, which permits the purchaser to see the kind and quality of oil he is getting. A number of different sizes of gasoline tanks are shown.

O’Brien’s Bakery

O’Brien’s Bakery has an interesting and appetizing exhibit near the entrance on the west side of the building. Here bread, cakes, pies and many kinds of dainties made by this bakery are shown.

R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company

The R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company has several booths. For instance, in one the miscellaneous products of the company are shown in a very attractive manner. There is also a booth for “Camels” and one for “Prince Albert” in which the fine qualities of these nationally known products are featured. A large camel, standing in the midst of the sands of the desert, is guarding the booth erected in honor of the cigarettes that bear his name. Hundred of cans of Prince Albert are used in making a most interesting display of this popular smoking tobacco.

Crystal Candy Company

The Crystal Candy Company, manufacturers of Vanola cough drops, Vanola mints and many kinds of high grade candies, has a pretty booth just in front of the south entrance of the building. Here the various lines made by this company in Winston-Salem are displayed in a manner that is bound to catch the eye of the passerby.

Chandler-Cleveland Sales Company

The Chandler-Cleveland Sales Company, local distributors, is featuring the popular “New Chandler” automobile, which is considered one of the most attractive cars on the market today. A completely rigged up car occupies the display booth on the first floor.

Huntley-Hill-Stockton Company

The Huntley-Hill-Stockton Company occupies almost one-half of the entire east side of the commercial building in showing set-up suits of dining room, living room and bed room furniture in various styles. There are rooms fitted up just as they should be in the home. The arrangement of the furniture, pictures, rugs, etc., is very attractive and should prove helpful to the young couple in planning the furnishing of a home.

Winston-Salem Gas Company

The Winston-Salem Gas Company has a display showing the great convenience of gas in the home. Gas ranges, heaters, water heaters, etc., are on display and a representative of the company is on hand at all times to explain their many fine qualities.

Vaughan Grocery Company

The Vaughan Grocery Company is featuring French Creole coffee, an article of their own packing, which has a wide distribution today. This coffee is shown packed in attractive tin containers. This company began this morning to serve delicious coffee with cream and sugar to all who visit the booth, which is located near the north end of the building. A representative of the company will be in charge at all times and his helpers will take delight in serving everybody as they pass around the booth.

Brown-Rogers Company

The Brown-Rogers Company, hardware dealers, is featuring in its display different brands of ranges, heating stoves, etc. Oil, coal and wood burning stoves are in the display. Attractive cards call attention to the merits of the lines shown.

Southern Public Utilities Company

The exhibit of the Southern Public Utilities Company features electrical appliances for the household, including ranges, heaters, etc. The value of electricity in the home will be thoroly explained to visitors by a capable representative of the company.

Wertz Florist

Wertz, florist, who recently opened a store in the Zinzendorf hotel building, coming here from Roanoke, has a very attractive display of flowers, potted plants, ferns, etc., which has been arranged in a landscape scene. This exhibit is in charge of Herbert S. Thompson of the local store.

Hine’s Shoe Store

The popular brands of shoes handled by the Hines’ stores in Winston-Salem and Greensboro are displayed in a pretty booth on the second floor, along with the lines of trunks and hand baggage carried by the stores. (Hine’s or Hines’? The newspaper printed it both ways.)

Cheese Display

Cheese, manufactured in the mountain counties of North Carolina, is most attractively displayed in a pretty booth. Various sizes and kinds of this popular dairy product are shown. The first “Swiss” cheese made at Sugar Grove, Watauga county, on December 2 of last year, is shown. The progress of this industry in North Carolina is shown in the display.

Boy Scout Exhibit

On the second floor of the building is an interesting and educating exhibit arranged by the Boy Scouts. Here ae displayed miniature bridges, houses, etc., all the handiwork of Scouts. There is also a collection of Indian relics, bugs and other insects. Another interesting feature is the knot board, showing every conceivable kind of knot, all of which were tied by Scouts.

Frank A. Stith Company

The Frank A. Stith Company, local clothiers, has a most interesting booth showing practically everything carried in the store. Suits of various kinds and descriptions are exhibited, including a complete line of shirts, ties, hats and other men’s and boys’ furnishings.

Ira B. Kenerly

Ira B. Kenerly is showing Hero furnaces and stoves in a very attractive booth. Display cards call attention to the merits of this line of goods now being sold in the city.

Brown-Williamson Company

The Brown-Williamson Tobacco Company’s display features in a most attractive manner Tube Rose snuff and other products of the company. Smoking and chewing tobacco also occupies a prominent place in the display.

Dalton Brothers

Dalton Brothers, hardware dealers, are featuring paints, stoves and various kinds of widely used hardware. Their display is prettily arranged.

Arctic Ice Cream Company

The Arctic Ice Cream Company has an unusually attractive display of their product on the second floor. Large blocks of ice in which were frozen different articles, such as Eskimo pie, fruit, etc., are in plain view of all who pass by.

Barber Photo Supply Company

The Barber Photo and Office Supply Company is featuring kodak finishing and enlarging along with a beautiful display of framed pictures.

Twin-City Motor Company

The Twin-City Motor Company, Ford dealers, has a splendid showing of Ford and Lincoln automobiles and Fordson tractors. This company has a booth in the agricultural building and also one on the grounds. A rubber-tired tractor is furnished the fair management to drag the race track daily.

Norfleet-Baggs Inc.

Norfleet-Baggs Inc. has a very attractive booth featuring Dodge automobiles and trucks. A big display sign gives the names of allied firms in this vicinity.

Automotive Implement Company

The Automotive Implement Company has a splendid display of John Deere and other farm implements. This booth is located in the yard, north of the commercial building.

Reilley-Williams Company

The Reilly-Williams Motor Company, Ford dealers, has an attractive display featuring Fordson tractors, Ford trucks and automobiles and Lincoln automobiles, all of which are handled by this firm.

Delco Display

There is an interesting display of Delco lighting and water systems, as well as washing machines and other conveniences, all of which can be operated by this electric plant. The necessity of these labor-saving devices in the home and on the farm is plainly shown in the display, which has been arranged by Hoke C. Flynt, distributor for this section.

From the front page of the Twin City Sentinel, Winston-Salem, Tuesday, Oct. 3, 1922

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