Friday, October 7, 2022

Mr. and Mrs. J.B. Greer Accused of Criminally Attacking Girls 13 and 16, Oct. 7, 1922

Storekeeper and Wife Held in Grave Charge

Wilmington, N.C., Oct. 6—Probable cause was found in recorder’s court today against J.B. Greer, 67-year-old storekeeper, on the charge of having criminally attacked two white girls, ages 13 and 16. He was committed to jail without bail to await the November session of Superior Court.

Immediately after the completion of the trial of Greer, his wife, Mrs. Lizzie Greer, aged 50, and the mother of 10 children, was arraigned on an assault charge as an alleged accessory to the crimes. Probable cause was found against the woman and she also is being held without bail for the November term of Superior Court.

Both Greer and his wife will be tried for their lives.

From the front page of The Asheville Citizen, Oct. 7, 1922

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