Thursday, November 3, 2022

Lt. Sam Connell Drops in for Visit--Via De Havilland

Airplane Drops From New York. . . First Lieut. Sam M. Connell Calls Unexpectedly Upon the Folks at Home. . . 500 Miles in 4 ½ Hours

A big DeHaviland (De Havilland) airplane soars aloft this afternoon between Warrenton and Warren Plains, heads to the East and Lieut. Sam Martin Connell and Sergeant W.R. Selig turn toward Langley Field and New York after a short visit to Mr. and Mrs. W.A. Connell. Lieut. Connell dropped in upon the folks on Tuesday from New York, having flown from Mitchell Field, Long Island, to Warrenton in 4 ½ hours.

The plane left for North Carolina at 7:30 o’clock on Tuesday morning, stopped in Washington for half an hour, again at Langley Field for one hour and 45 minutes, and breezed over Warrenton at 2:15, after covering a distance of more than 500 miles.

Warren County persons will recall that Lieut. Connell flew an airplane here during the war and how persons from all over this section rushed to the Connell’s that Sunday morning to see the ship. Interest in a larger and finer airplane this week has been practically negligible so quick does the world grow blasé, and events of the but yesterday come into the realm of the ordinary.

Lieut. Connell is a son of Mr. and Mrs. W.A. Connell. He has been in the air service since 1917 and covered many cities during the war with the Liberty Loan Flying circus. He was sent after the armistice to the Panama Canal Zone to assist in mapping the ocean-to-ocean waterway from airplane. During the past Summer he has been instructing in aviation at Mitchell Field. Before entering the aviation corps, he was a member old Co. H. and saw Border Service with that outfit.

It is expected that a number of friends will wave a farewell to the sky pilots as they head upward today and that prayers of loved ones will go higher than Lieut. Connell and his guest may land safely in that faraway home.

From the front page of The Warren Record, Warrenton, N.C., Nov. 3, 1922. The 1922 De Havilland photo is from

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