Monday, November 7, 2022

Rockingham Students at University Organize, Promise County History, Nov. 7, 1922

Rockingham Country Club Organized at University

The Rockingham Country Club of the University has organized and will hold regular meetings during the college year. The club includes all students at the University whose homes are in the county. There are 37 members, more than have ever before represented Rockingham at the University.

The club is represented in every department and class of the University and in many of the student activities. In the freshman class this year there are 18 men from Rockingham. Most of these men graduated from the various high schools of the county last year. A large majority of the members are in the college of liberal arts. The school of commerce, and the newly established school of engineering are well represented, and there are Rockingham men in both the medical school and the law school.

Although Rockingham has not played a prominent part in university athletics recently, it is believed that this year’s club has men who promise to show up well in the various university sports. The club is well represented in the different publications of the Hill. Those serving on these publications form the county are: C. Jones, J.L. Kallam, W.W. Gwynn, and E.D. Apple.

The organization has mapped out an elaborate program for this year—one which, when carried out, will be a big benefit to the county. The principle feature of the program is a “History of Rockingham County,” to be collected and written by the members at odd times during their college life. This is of special importance to the county since there has never been written a complete history of Rockingham up to this time. It is a big undertaking, and the boys are hard at work on it.

The officers of the club are: W.W. Gwynn, president; E.D. Apple, vice-president; F.S. Griffith, secretary and treasurer.

The men who now belong to the club are: R.F. Adkins ’25; E.M. Anderson ’26, J.H. Black ’25, Ohel Clark ’24, J.H. Friddle ’26, Eddie Haygood ’26, G.K. Gilley ’25, William Hester (Med.) ’26, W.W. Gwynn ’24, J.L. Kallam ’26, J.O. Haizlip ’24, F.S. Griffin ’25, H.R. Gerry ’26, A.M. Hooper ’26, K.K. Lively ’24, W. McKinney ’25, A.S. Murry ’26, Lawrence Watt ’26, R. Moore ’26, E. Vest ’26, J.M. Thresher ’25; W.B. Pipkin ’26, T.L. Smith Jr. ’26, Herman Smith ’26, Fred Ray ’25, A.B. Martin Jr. ’25, Thomas Williams ’26, Mack Martin ’26, and Wright Price ’25.

From the front page of The Reidsville Review, Tuesday, Nov. 7, 1922

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