Saturday, December 3, 2022

Community Promises to Find Jobs for Unemployed After Fire, Dec. 2, 1922

Information About Local Relief Work

Colored persons in destitute circumstances are requested to report at the West Street Graded Schools for relief.

The needs of white persons will be supplied at the Chamber of Commerce. The Chamber will be open until 12 o’clock midnight; Sundays from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m.

All persons desiring to contribute to the relief fund are requested to send in their subscriptions to R.N. Scott, treasurer of the relief committee, Citizens Savings Bank & Trust Company.

Locations of the various information bureaus is as follows:

General Headquarters, Chamber of Commerce.

Station No. 1, Farmers’ Warehouse: Miss Margaret Bryant, chairman, Mrs. ? A. Uzzell, Mrs. E.R. Marriner, Mrs. ? J. Ker, Miss Mary Uzzell, Mrs. M. deW. Stevenson, Mrs. T.B. Whitehurst, Mrs. R.B. Nixon, Mrs. Numa Nunn.

Station No. 2, Bell’s store, North Pasteur; Mrs. S.L. Dill, chairman, Mrs. Charles H. Hall, Mrs. C.P. Ellison, Mrs. Charles Bufort, Miss Anna Hanff, Mrs. J.C.P. Davis, Mrs. J.R. Ball. Station No. 3, Cemetery Gate, Queen Street; Mrs. C.D. Bradham, chairman; Mrs. O.H. Guion, Mrs. J.D. Whitford, Mrs. Albert Hibbard, Mrs. Oscar A. Kafer, Miss Nannie Frazell, Miss Betty Windley.

Station No. 4—Harrison’s store, Frog Pond, Miss Sarah Stewart, chairman, Mrs. H.C. Waldrop0, Mrs. J.M. Anderson, Mrs. R.E. Whitehurst, Mrs. E.F. Richardson, Mrs. H.B. Wadsworth, Mrs. J.C. Bagg, Mrs. (a line was omitted in the article).

Station No. 5, corner Cedar Street and Brown Alley; Mrs. R.B. William, chairman, Mrs. J.F. Rhem, Mrs. E.K. Bishop, Mrs. R.L. Daniels, Mrs. Sapenfield, Mrs. S.H. Fowler, Mrs. H.C. Armstrong, Mrs. Raymond Pollock.

Mrs. Lead Stevens is appointed chairman of a committee to look after the receiving of clothing and the distribution of clothing to those who are in need.

The Methodist Church on Middle Street will be prepared to serve the military company with meals in the basement after 4 o’clock.

T.G. Hyman is chairman of the automobile truck brigade. Anyone wanting help in moving furniture will please call on Mr. Hyman. He can be reached by calling his number at the Hyman Supply Company or the Chamber of Commerce.

Servants are instructed to return to their work and find provisions at their respective places of employment and not to apply for relief or food.

Any persons—white or colored—found in an intoxicated condition, will be arrested at once by order of the mayor. Mr. Clark has announced that order must be maintained at all cost and that drunkenness will not be tolerated.

There will be no begging allowed. Those who want relief or help must see the proper authorities. Ask for information at the information bureau.

From the front page of the New Bern Sun-Journal, Saturday afternoon, Dec. 2, 1922

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