Sunday, December 4, 2022

Fayetteville's Negro Y.W.C.A. Gathering Clothes, Rotary and Woman's Clubs Organizing to Help New Bern, Dec. 4, 1922

Move Started to Help Sufferers in New Bern Fire. . . Colored Y.W.C.A. to Gather Clothes; Rotary Club Also Starts Movement Here

The people rendered destitute by the recent disastrous fire at New Bern are badly in need of aid, and an urgent appeal has gone forth over the State from the authorities of the stricken city.

As a result Mayor MacKethan issues a proclamation in today’s Observer calling on the people of Fayetteville to respond to the appeal.

The local Rotary Club has started a drive for clothes with which to cover many who are left destitute during this winter weather. They will continue their drive for three days, and all contributors are requested to leave their contributions at 105 Hay street, recently occupied by the Farmers and Merchants Bank.

The colored Young Woman’s Christian Association has started a movement to get aid from the colored population of the city. As a large proportion of the suffering and destitute in New Bern is among the colored population, this movement is a fitting one and should meet with liberal response. Contributions should be left at Evans Metropolitan Church.

Tonight, between the acts of ‘Lightnin’ at LaFayette Theatre, the Mayor will address the audience on the New Bern situation. Young ladies, representing the local Woman’s Club, will go through the audience and solicit contributions of money.

The Observer stands ready to receive all contributions and to render all other aid possible.

The suffering and destitution in our neighboring city are great and we feel sure that Fayetteville will respond liberally to the call for help.

From the front page of The Fayetteville Observer, Dec. 4, 1922.

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