Saturday, December 17, 2022

James Graves, 26, Killed in Wreck, Dec. 16, 1922

James Graves Is Killed in Wreck. . . Prominent Durham Man Loses Life When Car Turns Turtle Near Kinston

Kinston, Dec. 16—The body of James Monroe Graves, 26, a tobacconist, was taken from beneath a capsized automobile at Albrittons, seven miles from here at 3 o’clock this morning. Graves was fatally injured when the car turned turtle at a late hour last night, dying when rescuers reached the spot.

In the car with Graves were Mrs., Robin Hood, reputed owner of the car, and Jack Vause. An official report said the men had bantered Mrs. Hood into taking them for a ride and one of them relieved her at the wheel. The speed of the car was not ascertained. The paved road was slippery from rain. Mrs. Hood and Vause suffered painful but not serious injuries. The body of Graves was sent to Durham, where he was prominently connected.

From the front page of the Greensboro Daily News, Dec. 17, 1922

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