Thursday, December 15, 2022

Land Transfers in Lilesville, Lanesboro, Wadesboro, N.C. December 1922

Land Transfers

The following real estate deeds have been registered since the M. & L.’s last report:

Peter Kalaras and wife to Effa J. Atkinson; Lilesville lots; $300.

J.W. Odom and wife to W.P. Parsons and H.B. Allen; Mont Calm lot; $400.

J.A. Lockhart and wife to Anson Real Estate & Insurance Co.; Mont Calm lots; $1,000.

G.K. Craig, trustee, to J.V. Liles; interest in McFarlan lot; $315.

E.P. Liles and wife to D.C. Robinson; 49.87 acres in Lilesville township; $600.

John F. Roberts and wife to S.M. Clarke; 7 1/6 acres in Lilesville township; $400.

W.A. Preslar and wife to W.E. Preslar; 62 4/5 acres in Lanesboro township; $500.

From the front page of The Messenger and Intelligencer, Wadesboro, N.C., Thursday, Dec. 14, 1922; Published by the estate of J.G. Boylin.

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