Thursday, December 8, 2022

New Bern Editor Carl Goerch Supports Erecting Barracks for Homeless Population, Dec. 8, 1922

Tents as Homes

In discarding the idea of erecting a large number of tents to house New Bern’s homeless population temporarily, we believe that the housing committee decided wisely.

Tents in this climate and at this season of the year are very unsatisfactory, regardless of conditions. Negroes, used to being in warm houses, would be in danger of contracting pneumonia and other diseases. It is doubtful whether they would stay in the tents more than a night or two.

The new plan proposed by the committee for constructing homes in the nature of army barracks, is far more suitable for meeting the emergency condition.

From the editorial page of The New Bern Sun-Journal, Friday, Dec. 8, 1922, Carl Goerch, editor.

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