Sunday, December 4, 2022

New Bern Requests Aid After Fire, Dec. 4, 1922

New Bern Asks for Aid

NEW BERN, N.C., Dec. 4—(By the Associated Press)—Mayor Edward Clarke, this morning, issued the following statement:

“To the good people of North Carolina and other states:

“With more than 1,000 homes destroyed, 3,000 persons homeless, and hundreds without employment or any means of obtaining an income, our city today is struggling under a burden which is all but overwhelming.

“Local pride and a reluctance to call for aid at first prompted us to confine our pleas for assistance to those people of New Bern who had escaped disaster. Now, however, we realize that New Bern cannot stand alone in her effort to care for the distressed. Therefore, if there are any communities, organizations or individuals who desire to help us in this, our hour of need, I wish to assure them on behalf of our people that their assistance will not only be deeply appreciated, but that it will be the means of alleviating much distress and suffering.

“I respectfully ask the newspapers to give publicity to this statement.


Mayor of New Bern

From the front page of The Fayetteville Observer, Dec. 4, 1922. The Fayetteville paper has consistently spelled the mayor's name Clarke, but the New Bern newspaper spells it Clark.

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