Friday, December 2, 2022

President Harding Telegraphs Sympathy to New Bern, Dec. 4, 1922

President Expresses Sympathy for New Bern

NEW BERN, N.C., Dec. 4—(By the Associated Press)—Expression of sympathy over New Bern’s tremendous fire loss was conveyed to the citizens here today by President Harding in the following telegram:

“Honorable Edward Clark, Mayor, New Bern, N.C.

“I wish to express through you my great sympathy for the citizens of New Bern in the distressing calamity that has befallen them. Sincerest hopes that their misfortunes may be alleviated in every possible way and that early and complete recovery may follow.


From the front page of The Fayetteville Observer, Dec. 4, 1922.

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