Monday, December 19, 2022

West Hickory News Briefs, Dec. 19, 1922

West Hickory News West Hickory, Dec. 19—We notice that the merchants of West Hickory have been kept pretty busy the past week. It seems that the people are doing their Christmas shopping early this year so as to get the best.

Hog killing has been greatly in fashion here the past week. Mr. Solon Drum, the master butcher for West Hickory, reports that he has been kept busy killing hogs all the past week, and that he had calls to kill 25 more that he could not possibly reach. This certainly proves that the people of the Ivey Mill Village and West Hickory believe in raising their own meat. Mr. T.L. Laney reports killing a hog last week that weighed 480 pounds. This caps the climax up to this time.

Mr. and Mrs. John Lackey and their four children are down with the flu at present.

Mr. W.R. Beach was called to Salisbury last Friday to visit a sick grandchild. His son, Mr. Oscar Beach, went with him, but on their retorn they report that the child who had been seriously ill was better.

Miss Sibbie Huffman’s friends gave her a birthday dinner at her home in West Hickory Sunday. Those present report a nice time.

Mrs. Ida Hildebran of Burke county was here Saturday and Sunday visiting her son, Mr. James Hildebran, and also her brother, Mr. O.T. Crump.

Mr. Sam Coulter and family of Newton moved to the Ivey Mill one day the past week.


From the Hickory Daily News, Dec. 19, 1922

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