Tuesday, December 6, 2022

While Son Fought Fire, Mrs. Disosway of Home Bakery Baked for the Hungry, Dec. 5, 1922

While Son Fought Fire, Mother Made Bread for Hungry. . . Mrs. Disosway of the Home Bakery Prevents Many from Suffering

So many New Bern people have worked so faithfully and tirelessly for the benefit of the suffers from last Friday’s disastrous blaze that it has been impossible for the newspapers to give credit to all of these. In fact, but few have been mentioned thus far.

But among those who “stood by” during the fire and its attendant horrors was Mrs. R.J. Disosway, who with her son, William Disosway, operates the Home Bakery.

During and after the fire Mrs. Disosway stuck to her job of baking bread for the hungry ones and hundreds of loaves and pans of rolls were turned out from her ovens. Mrs. Disosway needed the help of her son at that time, but he was on the job fighting fire with the other members of the fire company of which he is a member.

It was a hard, tireless task which Mrs. Disosway faced, but she never faltered and stuck at her post as long as bread was in demand, and her bakery continues to turn out a large quantity of the bread, rolls and pies which are daily being consumed by the homeless ones, as well as the more fortunate residents of the city who were not burned out.

From The New Bern Sun-Journal, Dec. 5, 1922

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