Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Dr. Peacock Declared Sane in Florida Court, Jan. 17, 1923

Peacock Declared Sane by Board of Alienists

Lakeland, Fla., Jan. 16—Dr. J.W. Peacock of Thomasville, N.C., has been judicially declared sane, according to court records, the hearing having taken place before Judge George Whitehurst of Arcadia, Fla., Thursday, January 11, following an examination by a board of alienists on which Dr. H.M. Richards and Dr. R.R. Sullivan of Lakeland were members. The hearing before Judge Whitehurst was long drawn out, numerous questions having been propounded by the court before the final order was issued.

Mrs. R.E. Lufsey, a sister of Dr. Peacock, whose family was among the early settlers of this city, and where Dr. Peacock was born, was reticent when questioned regarding the movements of the physician, but did state that he came to Lakeland several days ago and immediately set about to have the insanity charge placed against him by the North Carolina authorities following the slaying of the chief of police of Thomasville set aside, Dr. Peacock having been committed to the insane department of the North Carolina penitentiary, from which institution he had escaped.

It is now known here whether or not Dr. Peacock came directly to this city after his escape. His step to leave the North Carolina verdict set aside was taken in order to prevent extradition by the North Carolina authorities, as under the Florida law Dr. Peacock cannot now be taken back on the insane charge.

It is not known where Dr. Peacock will open his office to practice his profession, but it is believed that he will in all probability locate in Lakeland, because of his numerous friends and relatives in the city.

At the Lufsey home last night it was stated that Dr. Peacock had gone to St. Petersburg, carrying out the intention signified in his letter and mailed from this city to his wife in Thomasville, which was the first clue the police had received as to the whereabouts of the missing physician.

From page 11 of The News & Observer, Raleigh, N.C., January 17, 1923

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