Monday, January 2, 2023

Leaksville News Briefs, Jan. 2, 1923

Mr. and Mrs. N.H. McCollum and two sons are late victims of the prevalent “Flu.”


Rev. W.L. Sherrill, pastor of Leaksville Methodist church, was busy yesterday making New Year calls along Boone Road and its vicinity. He was most welcome everywhere.


On last Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. R.E. Wall delightfully entertained Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Ray and Mr. and Mrs. W.R. Walker at a most sumptuous dinner party. Turkey, ham, bird on toast and lastly a “tipsy parson” with many attendant “fixins” vied with each other to win the attention from the charm of the host and hostess. Only partial menu.


Several of the boys returned to their duties at the University of North Carolina today, among them were Auburn Robertson, Austin Murray, Ohel Clark, Fred Nance and Mack Martin.


Although the weather was bad Sunday night a very large congregation heard Mrs. B. Frank Mebane at the Spray Baptist Church relate her impressions of the Passion Play, which she did in a very impressive manner to the gratification of every person in the church and at the conclusion was cordially thanked by the pastor, Rev. L.U. Weston.


Miss Kathleen Walker has gone to Raleigh to assist in the office of the Engraving Clerk of the Senate during the session of the assembly.


Miss Lily Walker, who has been spending the Christmas holidays with her parents, has returned to Goldsboro, where she is instructor of higher mathematics in the High School.


The Parent Teacher Association of the Leaksville Graded School will meet Wednesday afternoon at the School house. All members are urged to be present.


Miss Eva Godfrey, who has been the guest of Dr. and Mrs. P.V. Godfrey during the holidays, returned to her home in Raleigh Sunday.


Misses Florence Hobbs and Margaret Marshall are visiting their uncle, Mr. W.D. Stocks and family in Reidsville.


Mrs. P.V. Godfrey entertained at several tables of bridge Saturday afternoon. The honor guests were Misses Eva Godfrey of Raleigh and Kathleen Walker, who leaves today to spend some time in Raleigh. The hostess served a delicious salad course.


Miss Louise Wall spent Sunday with Miss Elizabeth DeShazo, at her home near Draper.


Mr. and Mrs. A.T. Gunn have returned to their home in Danville after spending several days with relatives here.


Miss Ruth Hagood of Reidsville returned to her home Monday after spending several days with Miss Bessie Gunn.


Mrs. J.R. Gunn and son of Kinston have returned home after spending the holidays with relatives in town.


Miss Gladys Atkins and brother, Clint, are visiting in Burlington during the holidays.


Mr. Perry Hedgecoe and sister of near High Point spent Friday and Saturday on Early Avenue.


Mr. Allen Willard of Winston-Salem called on Miss Lavania Dunn.


Miss Blanche Barker spent last Sunday and Monday with Mrs. J.W. Dunn on Early Avenue.


Miss Blanche Barker has returned to her home near Greensboro to spend two months with home folks before returning to Leaksville.


Mrs. Mary Frazier has been spending the holidays with her brother, Mr. Kidd, in Burlington.


Mr. and Mrs. J.R. Cox spent Christmas with Mrs. Cox’s mother, Mrs. J.W. Dunn on Early Avenue.


Mrs. Vestal Smith spent Friday afternoon with Mrs. J.W. Dunn.


Miss Nell Wrickmon spent several days visiting friends and relatives in Winston-Salem and High Point.

From the front page of the Tri-City Gazette, Leaksville, N.C., Jan. 2, 1923. According to Southern Living magazine, a Tipsy Parson is a trifle made with Ruby Port, a liquor that would not, or should not, have been available during Prohibition.

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