Monday, March 6, 2023

Clarence Crotts Arrested for Selling Whiskey, March 6, 1923

Was Retailing Liquor From Depot Platform

Chief Hamrick arrested Clarence Crotts at the Southern depot Saturday evening where it was found Crotts was retailing liquor from underneath the platform. Crotts is a white man from the Casar section. He had a 5-gallon demijohn with about two gallons of whiskey, and a McKnight negro who was standing by at the time of the arrest had a dinner bucket full of liquor which he declared he had just purchased form Crotts. Crotts is out under a $500 bond and will be given a hearing on Tuesday.

From the front page of The Cleveland Star, Shelby, N.C., Tuesday, March 6, 1923

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