Saturday, March 18, 2023

E.W. Rigsbee Killed in Coast Line Train Accident March 15, 1923

E.W. Rigsbee Killed by Coast Line Train

Rocky Mount, March 15—E.W. Rigsbee, an employe of the Atlantic Coast Line, was instantly killed this afternoon at the South Rocky Mount yards when he stepped in the path of a northbound Coast Line passenger train No. 80. His body was badly mangled. The dead man, who was in his early 30s and a native of Plymouth, is survived by his widow and one child, as well as by his parents who reside in Portsmouth.

Mrs. Rigsbee was out of the city on a visit when the accident occurred and funeral arrangements are being held in abeyance until she and other relatives arrived tonight.

From the front page of the Tri-City Daily Gazette, Leaksville, N.C., Sunday, March 18, 1923

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