Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Marion Butler Smith, 28, Died March 20, 1923

Marion Butler Smith, Ex-Soldier, Passes. . . Graduated at Piedmont and at Massey Business College—Burial at Sharon

Marion Butler Smith was born November 6, 1894 and died March 20, 1923. He joined the M.E. church South when but a boy, and remained a member of Sharon until he was finally transferred to the triumphant Church above.

Mr. Smith received his high school education at Piedmont high school and afterward completed a business course at Massey’s business college at Richmond, Va.

He was called into the service of the government as a soldier in the world war and was sent overseas, he being among the last to cease fighting when the armistice was signed.

On June 28, 1921, he was married to Miss Onnie Virginia Wilson of upper Cleveland, who became his devoted companion and watched at his bedside till the last.

After his health broke down, he went to the government hospital at Greenville, S.C., where he remained for about 13 months. In all his service as a soldier and his experience as a patient in the government hospital there was never a mark of demerit against him.

He was buried in the presence of a large concourse of people at Sharon church March 21, 1923, his pastor, Rev. B. Wilson conducting the funeral services.

From the front page of the Cleveland Star, Shelby, N.C., Friday, March 23, 1923

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